Electronic Concepts

  • Synthetic sounds which are indistinguishable replicas of their acoustic sources, and which elongate them in time.

    This allows effects to be applied on the elongated electronic sounds, without being layered on top of the original acoustic sounds.

  • The alteration of the dynamics and direction of a sound.

    Indirect sounds are heard through reverberation and direct sounds are heard directly from the instrument.

    The ability to recreate the way that instruments disperse their sound in space is the future of electronic music.

  • Autotune is perhaps the most popular technique of the modern age.

    Altering acoustic melodies with autotune melodies creates new digital sounding lines, with a distinctively modern expressivity.

  • Chord interpolation combined with a changing intervalic scaling. This creates strange contracting or expanding shapes.

  • Visible: sounds produced by electronic instruments that are played.

    Invisible: sounds which are not played by anyone.

Teaching & Software Design

Over the years I have amassed a lot of knowledge of electronic music and classical composition. I am fluent in Ableton Live, Max/MSP, Max for Live, Reaper, Dorico, Sibelius and SuperCollider. I have written for solo instruments, ensembles and orchestras, and I am currently a composer in residence at the IRCAM, in Paris.

I offer lessons on composition, orchestration and electronic music.

Below you can find my Max for Live devices, very popular online with over 7K downloads. Many of them are based on objects developed by 3rd party developers, and as such are being shared for free.
